Begins his arts studies in 1980, at the School of Fine Arts in London. In 1993 at Chelsea’s School, he works on sculpture and carving, presenting his works at collective exhibits with other European artists.
In 1985, he enriches his plastic experience with a multicultural vision by attending several workshops at museums in Holland, Germany, Austria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy and Egypt.
He returned to Venezuela in 1986 and begins studies of Industrial and Graphic Design at the Newman Institute. He finishes his training at the Design Institute of Caracas (Instituto de Diseño de Caracas), standing out in the courses of Design, Colour and Illustrative Skills.
Later, he was teacher of the above mentioned classes for some time. In 1989, he devoted his time to the study of the methods of engraving impression and serigraphy at the CEGRA, alternating with courses of photography, complementing this way his plastic aesthetics.
In the 90´s his work experience leads him as free lance artist to the world of advertising where he realizes works of illustrations for important magazines, in addition to murals, scenery landscaping and body paint for several clients.
He continues in this field and works as Illustrator, Director of Art and Producer, as well as Producer for advertising campaigns.
Since 2000 until today, he made a parenthesis in his life to devote himself completely to the plastic arts, with a retrospective that includes a series of drawings and paintings that reconcile him with the art world.
2004 Paintings and Drawings.
Salón La Concha,Táchira Club, Caracas.
20 oil paintings, 15 charcoal drawings.
2005 Tonalities of Gardens and Muses.
Salón Artventura. Caracas
21 oil paintings.
2006 Time Out. Salon Artventura. Caracas
17 oil paintings
2007 Equinoxium. Restaurant QUIANLONG Florida, USA
15 oil paintings
2007 In to the colors Houston Texas
8 oil paintings
2003 Salón de jóvenes artistas Armando Reveron.
(Armando Reveron Hall for Young Artists)
2002 Maracay Biennial of Art
2001 Faber Castel Illustration Contest,
+58 0414 3983881